
Showing posts from January, 2020
Hey fans: I apologize for not posting regularly. Thank You for sticking arround and reading. My New novel will be up soon. I will try and post regularly this time. It's a book about five friends and their experiences. I know you are going to loveeeeee it. Again thanks for the support and love. See you soon!!!

Chapter 44: The End (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

With the enthusiasm of a new bride and insatiable thirst for a married life, i waited for my husband to be back. He was still out with his friend and will be back soon. Heavy tears, Silently rolled down my cheeks at the realization of being Mudis wife. A tittle I had longed for, a tittle I wanted more than anything else. Now its mine and I claim it. I stood up from the my bed. It felt good. This room is entirely mine. I walked towards the tiny window in our room and looked beyond, lost in the thought of the pleasantries of my current and future life. Then i saw my husband and his friends approaching. I quickly wiped the tears with the back of my hands so that i can look beautiful for my husband. I positioned my self on the edge of the bed. I drew my veil so it covers my face. Then i heard his salam. I answered coyly and he entered. His smile was radiant. He looked at me and said “My wife, my love, my heartbeat” he paused i can feel his gaze on me. “Please come and say hi to our...

Chapter 43: My Husband (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Home, I was home again. But why do I feel this agonizing guilt?! Now thousand questions were playing in my mind With what money will I be wed? When will I be wed? Did I do the right thing? What now? Events of yesterday were still fresh in my memory. The pain I saw in my mothers eyes the moment her eyes landed on me was unexplainable. I had no explanation for my actions except that it was the right thing to do. I couldn’t stay in town anymore. I think they believed I could not bear to stay away from Mudi that’s why I came back. My mother called Hajiya earlier today, she asked her to overlook the actions of a young girl like me who was trying to find herself. She assured Hajiya I did not take her money for transport fare, which is a total lie. Because I took her money. She gave me the phone and I apologized to Hajiya. Hajiya non the less refused to take me back although she said she forgives me. Who would have thought hajiya is that unforgiving? I have to face the fact that I have...

Chapter 42: The Dilemma (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

We were to go with Indo, The woman known for her impatience. She wasn’t impatient in the conventional norm, her impatience was different. she is rather pleasant and without a temper. Her impatience was with poverty. She despises it and can never endure it. Her husband is from Niger Republic, he settled in our village and sought for her hand. She married him, 2 children later he ran away, never to be found again. Her daughter Lami worked, so the Lami sponsored her marriage. But now she was pregnant and the mother was expected to provide the conventional ‘gara’. Food stuff were to be taken to the husband and his family. She wasn’t ready to provide for her daughter although she knew the consequences of it. The husband and his family will despise the daughter and always harass her for that, it may lead to divorce. The case of gara should never be taken lightly. After a lot of counsel from people in the village she decided she will do something. She and her younger were going to get a job ...

Chapter 41 : Lahibu (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

For Lahibu a herculean task lies ahead of her. For how could she sway Dauda from his devoted habit, yes Asabe was a bad habit he needs to be ridden of. Lahibu was poorly equipped for such task. She was one of those girls that was always loved the least. The girls that were never noticed, the girls easily forgotten. She was loved the least in her family, not because she was bad or reckless or daring but because of her lack of peculiarity. She was too basic to be noticed. It wasn’t her looks that were the problem. Lahibu is not ugly but she is not beautiful either. She is neither tall nor short. She was of medium girth. Every slip, omission or mistake she made was taken to heart and was exaggerated. It was as if she wasn’t lovable. Nevertheless, Lahibu was not a quitter she always fought to be noticed, not a single failure deterred her. She kept hoping and hoping. She persevered. Perhaps her marriage to Dauda will finally pay off at last. Asabe had been very mean to her. She will com...

Chapter 40 : It's Hapenning (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Musa kept stalling Shatu, lie after lie he avoided her until he finally declared he wasn’t ready for marriage. Shatu is not a girl who will take rejection quietly. She had waited for Musa to do the right thing, to do good by her but it has ended this way. He had wasted her time and crushed her hope. While I was still in town, she met him in the Village night games and gave him a piece of her mind, not minding who was there. A piece of her mind wasn’t exactly pleasant, it was hurtful insulting shattering words that can put a sailor to shame. Nonetheless Musa’s rejection had broken her heart. It wasn’t exactly easy for her though she tries to hide it. I knew Shatu front and back, inside and out like the back of hand, so I noticed it. Musa’s betrayal was not Shatu’s greatest challenge. Her reputation had been tainted, thanks to me. She is now known all over the village as a betrayer who will spare no one. For how would she? when she betrays her own flesh and blood, her sister, she was n...

Chapter 39: Reunited (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Hi!, how are you?" I asked "I'm good, how are you too" He momentarily met my eyes to answer only to continue ogling. "You smell nice" he complimented "Thanks but what becomes of our marriage? " I asked He did not respond "Mudi!" I said pouting. It was the first time I said him name in his presence. It had always been my beloved or some other endearing name. I was being serious, he needs to understand that. " nothing is final, Ladidi, my sweet sweet love, you shall be my wife and that is a promise" he said with a mischievous grin. " but, what about your parents? " I asked, concerned "I can handle my parents" he replied "Mudi, don't ever Give up on us. It worries me that whenever I leave for town, you just give up on us. I even bought a phone so we could keep in touch." I said as I turned around, arms folded pouting. Giving him a good view of my behind. Just then the veil ...

Chapter 38: Lets Face the Future. (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

News about my new found beauty was spreading in the village like wild fire. I was the topic of every discussion. I left Mudi in suspence for two days. So i can make a grand appearance before him. What was strange was how i hadnt seen Shatu in those days. I have inquired about her and was told she was still in the village. She was sent back home from her place of work two days after she was taken there. Now that my parents intention was out in the open, thanks to stupid Asabe, I knew I hadn't got much time. I will meet Mudi and we will discuss out future. I decided to talk to my mother first. So, I asked her when we were alone "Is Asabe's rant true? Were you thinking of marrying me to Hajji Shattima after you had promised me Mudi? Were you trying to doom me in a loveless marriage?" " Look Ladi! We always have your best interest at heart. Husbands don't come easy. So much has been going on after you went to work. People in the village criticize us. Your ...

Chapter 37:Grumpy Asabe (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

When I went home, my mother broke into tears when she saw me. Not the tears I'm accustomed to, they were special tears. They were tears of joy, for I was plum, I was lighter in Complexion. Every one in my compound knew I looked more beautiful. I feel like some of them were even jealous. Jelousy is good, because then I know I am better. Their jealousy added to my arrogance. I had gain weight. I was thick  in all the desired places. My butt was was now visible, they stand out like two beautiful medium sized moulds of Tuwo stuck together, as I walk, they move in sync and harmony. Gone are the days when my breasts were the size of peanuts. I have graduated from peanuts and was now in the category of big fine oranges and tangerines. What a happy day. I look foward to shaking and wiggling my new assets in the face of my beloved. My mother held my hand lightly and turned me around to have a better look. I was proud of myself. I had indeed gained weight. In my community a woman's weigh...

Chapter 36: A Proud Owner ofBrand New A Second Hand Phone (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Well now my new friends know about it and they hadn't judged me. They were still shocked at a weird pair. It was almost a month. Almost One month without news of home, almost one month without my beloved or his news. How I longed to gaze in his beautiful eyes. To see those long lustrous lashes curved upwards. But I was happy, in a week time I will get my pay. They I will give one of Hajiya's boys to buy a good phone for me. I will be the first to own such luxury in my family. I smile at the thought. That day Halimatu made an appearance. I was excited. I asked her news about home. She told me everything was fine. "How about my marriage, has a date been set yet?" I asked "Not yet" she replied "Okay, but have his parent's representative visited my father and his friends? " I asked It was traditional for them to meet to officially gave their proposal. "I don't know" she replied "What do you me you don't know? You ha...

Chapter 35 My New Life (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Life has been good to me. I know my way around the house. Yelwa was about to go home. Hajiya had bought all the kitchen wares for Yelwa. She further paid her her salary and gave her 30000 as a wedding gift. It was a joyous day for yelwa. Even I shared in her joy. It was said that her father had tears of joy when he saw the good fortune of his daughter. Who would have thought such an unattractive girl can have so much luck. Everyone knows beauty plays a huge role in a woman's fortune. Nobody appreciates an ugly face. But that ugly face was a lucky one. Alas the ugly girl problems came. Yelwa's husband to be named Tashir a middle aged man with 2wives, withdrew his marriage proposal. She was to be the third wife. Yelwa was excited to be married and finally be a wife. He withdrew the proposal Two weeks before the wedding, on the pretense that he was not ready. Everyone knows Yelwa is a good girl, she even helps her dad on the farm. So much for being good. She called the Hajiy...

Chapter 34: A New Beginning (A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Yalwa and I became fast friends. Everyone was kind to me. Hajiya has four Daughters and two sons. All of which are fully grown. Most of them were kind to me, while the rest simply ignore me(the men) but they all talked to me in a kind manner as if I am their relative. They have an elder maid, who also treat me well. There are also 2 boys, who were around 14-16 years who came to the almajiri school but are in need of side jobs and food, they help with outdoor work and run errands. They had a room for themselves and were given 3square meals a day, they even had their food flask, they wash their clothes and bathe there. They practically lived there but they don't spend the night in the house. Their school recommend that they had to spend the night in the Malams House no matter what. So the work load was pretty light. Sometimes we were idle and nobody bothered us. Once, I had finished all my chores, then I heard one of Hajiya's daughter enter the kitchen, i heard her working, I q...

Chapter 33: The Bus Ride ( A Weakness Called Love :Memoirs Of An African Housemaid )

Two weeks after my parents miraculous acceptance of Mudi, I am now in a bus on my way to the town yet again. This time I am optimistic. The bus is old, and was once painted white, for it was as if the paint has been scratched out, only parts of the bus held fragments of white spots, leaving the metal bare. The bus was like pieces of scrap metal glued together. As it moves it let out creaky sounds. It had a hard time starting. The men in the bus had to give it a push to get it started. The bus moves slowly and wearily. We felt each bump and potholes on the road in our gut. We rocked side to side as our ride staggers on. our brains afforded the time to daydream or rest. I looked out the window and kept my gaze on the trees we keep passing, my mind adrift. Some people chatter, their voices rising and blending together in excitement. A woman with four kids sat next to me. She only paid the fare of a persons seat. So she made one of her son, obviously the eldest stand in front of her...

Chapter 32: Love Prevails (A Weakness Called Love : Memoirs Of An African Housemaid)

My father had been disturbed about the conversation I had with my mother. Finally, my mother called me and told me the most beautiful words I have ever heard in my entire life "Ladi, listen to me carefully" she started "Your father had reconsidered his position, He is willing to let you marry Mudi" I jumped in utter joy, tears of happiness flowed freely. "But, listen. You will marry Mudi on one condition." Whatever the condition was, I was willing to fulfill it. No matter how hard it may be. I can do it. There is no condition that can scare me, or make me change my mind. "Yes, Iya!, What is it" I said eagerly cutting her off before she finished the sentence. "Hmmm, girls of nowadays are not shy at all" she said jokingly, smiling. "Well, you have to raise the money for the wedding, God knows selling food won't work, we've tried it, and we failed. You have to go to town, and for once in your life stay and get pai...